
13 篇文档带有标签「Hardhat」



Conflux 有一个类似于 EVM 的虚拟机。 然而,Conflux 和以太坊之间仍然有一些相当大的区别。 Conflux 使用不同的交易格式,其从公钥生成地址的规则也与以太坊不同。 这些差异通常使得将 EVM 兼容的 dApps 移植到 Conflux 变得困难。 CIP-90 用 Conflux eSpace 替换了 CIP-72 和 CIP-80,引入了一个称为 Conflux eSpace 的交易执行环境。 eSpace 实现了完全的 EVM 兼容性,而不改变现有的账户和交易。

CRC1155 NFT 教程

本教程将指导您逐步完成在Conflux CoreSpace上使用Hardhat创建、编写和部署ERC1155 NFT智能合约的过程。 此外还将向您展示如何在ConfluxScan上查看您的合约。 您可以在Conflux-NFT-CRC1155 仓库中找到一个实际的例子。

CRC20 代币跨空间(Cross Space)转移

This tutorial guides developers on transferring any CRC20 token from Core Space to eSpace, The goal is to transfer a CRC20 token (A) issued on coreSpace to become an ERC20 token (eA) in eSpace. Currently, if there is no corresponding token in eSpace, it's not possible to use the official cross-space bridge directly.

CRC721 NFT 教程

本教程将指导您如何使用Hardhat在 Conflux CoreSpace 上创建、编写和部署一个 CRC721 NFT 智能合约 此外,它还将向您展示如何在ConfluxScan上查看您的合约。

Retrieve Price

Learn how to Use Pyth Oracle on Conflux eSpace to Retrieve CFX Price


Using a Merkle Tree whitelist provides a cost-efficient way to distribute NFTs to a predefined list of addresses. It ensures that only whitelisted addresses can mint the NFTs, enhancing security and efficiency. Writing a whitelist of thousands of addresses directly within a smart contract would result in significant gas costs, and additionally, due to the maximum transaction gas limit restriction, it might be impractical to update such a large whitelist in a single transaction. However, since in the Merkle Tree verification process, leaf nodes and proofs can be stored off-chain while only the root value needs to be stored on-chain, this method significantly saves on gas costs and enables whitelist setup with only one transaction.