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The AdminControl contract is a debug tool for contract development. When a contract is created during a transaction, the sender for the current transaction will become the contract admin automatically.

The admin address can transfer the administrator rights to another normal address or zero address by calling interface setAdmin(address contractAddr, address newAdmin). A contract can never be an admin.

The admin of a contract has several administrator rights. It can call interface destroy(address contractAddr) to destroy contract, just like a contract calling suicide() function. The SponsorWhitelist internal contract provides some functions can only be called by admin address. These functions can update the whitelist in sponsor mechanism. They will be introduced later.

Note: For all the interfaces requiring administrator rights, no matter the execution success or not, no error or exception will be triggered during internal contract execution. For example, if a non-admin address tries to transfer the admin address to itself, this transaction will success but nothing will be changed.

ConfluxScan may mark a contract as debug mode if the contract has non-zero admin address. So remember, if you think the contract is ready for production environment, you should set admin address to zero.

The AdminControl contract also provides a query interface getAdmin(address contractAddr) which can be called by anyone.

Corner cases:

  1. The admin is set at the start of contract creation. So if sender A creates contract B and set admin to C during contract construction, the admin will be C when the contract is deployed.
  2. However, if sender A calls contract B, then contract B creates contract C and then set admin to D during contract contraction, then the set will fail because the admin of C is A and the sender for creating C is B.
  3. But, Conflux introduces a special policy. In case 2, if D is zero address, the set admin will success. This means that a contract can declare "I don't need admin" during contract creation.


AdminControl's hex40 address is 0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000000, with interface:

pragma solidity >=0.4.15;

contract AdminControl {
/*** Query Functions ***/
* @dev get admin of specific contract
* @param contractAddr The address of specific contract
function getAdmin(address contractAddr) public view returns (address) {}

* @dev Contract admin set the administrator of contract `contractAddr` to `newAdmin`.
* @param contractAddr The address of the contract
* @param newAdmin The new admin address
function setAdmin(address contractAddr, address newAdmin) public {}

* @dev Contract admin destroy contract `contractAddr`.
* @param contractAddr The contract to be destroied
function destroy(address contractAddr) public {}

JS Example

Consider you have deployed a contract whose address is contractAddr. The administrator can call AdminControl.setAdmin(contractAddr, new_admin) to change the administrator and call AdminControl.destroy(contractAddr) to kill the contract.

const { Conflux } = require('js-conflux-sdk');

function main() {
const cfx = new Conflux({
url: '',
networkId: 1,

const PRIVATE_KEY = '0xxxxxxx';
const account = cfx.wallet.addPrivateKey(PRIVATE_KEY); // create account instance

const adminContract = cfx.InternalContract('AdminControl');

// make sure account is the admin of contractAddr
const contractAddr = 'cfxtest:acepe88unk7fvs18436178up33hb4zkuf62a9dk1gv';

// to change administrator
adminContract.setAdmin(contractAddr, new_admin).sendTransaction({
from: account,

// to kill the contract
from: account,
