
Introduction to Transaction Traces

Traces are used to record the transaction execution details. It can be used to debug or retrieve more information (like getting contract addresses created within transaction execution).



The trace is recorded for all Call operations, including balance transferring or contract calling, executed either by the transaction itself or inside a contract.

pub struct Call {
/// The sending account.
pub from: Address,
/// The destination account.
pub to: Address,
/// The value transferred to the destination account.
pub value: U256,
/// The gas available for executing the call.
pub gas: U256,
/// The input data provided to the call.
pub input: Bytes,
/// The type of the call.
pub call_type: CallType,

pub enum CallType {
/// Not a CALL.
/// CALL.

If a transaction itself is calling a contract (to is a contract address), this trace will always be the first one in the trace list of this transaction.

对于 Call 追踪,call_type 永远不会是 None

请注意,gas 是为被调用者执行提供的“提供”的燃气,因此已扣除了燃气开销。 For example, it is 0 for a simple balance transferring transaction of 21000 gas, because the base gas cost (21000) has been deducted in advance. The gas cost for call-related opcodes (CALL, DELEGATECALL, e.t.c.) or the 1/64 gas reserve for calling are also deducted in advance during contract execution.


The trace is recorded after a Call operation finishes.

pub struct CallResult {
/// The outcome of the result
pub outcome: Outcome,
/// The amount of gas left
pub gas_left: U256,
/// Output data
pub return_data: Bytes,
pub enum Outcome {


The trace is recorded for all operations that create contracts, including executing contract creation transactions or successfully executing the CREATE/CREATE2 opcode.

pub struct Create {
/// The address of the creator.
pub from: Address,
/// The value with which the new account is endowed.
pub value: U256,
/// The gas available for the creation init code.
pub gas: U256,
/// The init code.
pub init: Bytes,

Similar to Call, the gas is the "provided" gas for the Create operation.


The trace is recorded after a Create operation finishes.

pub struct CreateResult {
/// The outcome of the create
pub outcome: Outcome,
/// The created contract address
pub addr: Address,
/// The amount of gas left
pub gas_left: U256,
/// Output data
pub return_data: Bytes,

只有当 outcomeSuccess 时,addr 才可使用。


对于由内部合约触发的余额转移的追踪将会被记录。 它包括合约自动销毁、代付方更换(包括存储抵押代付方和燃气代付方),以及质押。

pub struct InternalTransferAction {
/// The source address. If it is zero, then it is an interest mint action.
pub from: Address,
/// The destination address. If it is zero, then it is a burnt action.
pub to: Address,
/// The amount of CFX
pub value: U256,

对于合约自毁,如果退款地址是将被销毁的合约,退款余额将被销毁,所以 to 将是空地址而不是退款地址。

对于代付方更换,from 将设置为赞助商白名单合约地址 (0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000001,即 cfx:aaejuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaegg2r16ar)。

对于质押存款,to 设置为质押利息合约地址 (0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000002,即 cfx:aaejuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajrwuc9jnb)。

对于质押提现,将记录两个 InternalTransferAction 追踪。 第一个是为了提现原始的质押余额(from 设置为质押利息合约地址),第二个是为了提现质押利息(from 设置为空地址)。


对于在合约执行内部执行的CallCreate,只有在执行期间实际触发陷阱后才会记录,结果在处理陷阱后记录。 如果交易/指令失败而没有触发陷阱(例如,发送者余额不足、检测到重入或栈达到最大深度),则不会记录追踪。

对于由原始交易触发的 CallCreate,只有通过初步检查后才会记录追踪。 首先,追踪只会记录“执行”了的交易,所以如果 nonce 不匹配,这个交易将不会执行,也就没有追踪。 如果交易被执行(发送者的 nonce 增加),但发送者没有足够的余额执行交易,也不会有追踪。 对于 Create,如果待创建的合约地址之前已被创建并有代码,我们也会直接返回,不记录追踪。