

在Solidity中,使用delete关键字来移除状态变量将其重置为其类型的默认值。 默认值根据数据类型而异:

  • 布尔类型(boolean):默认值为 false
  • 字符串(string):默认值为一个空字符串""
  • 整数(int):默认值为0
  • 无符号整数(uint):默认值为 0
  • 枚举(enum):默认值为枚举的第一个元素。
  • 地址(address):默认值为0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (或address(0))。
  • function: For internal functions, the default is an empty internal function, and for external functions, it is an empty external function.
  • 映射(mapping):所有元素都设置为它们的默认值。
  • 结构体(struct):所有成员都设置为它们的默认值。
  • 动态数组:长度重置为0,有效地使其成为空数组[]。
  • 静态数组:所有元素都设置为它们的默认值。

Compared to directly updating the state variable to its default value, the gas costs differ. 当使用 delete关键字删除一个状态变量时,Solidity会生成一个特定的操作码,SSTORE,将该变量的值设置为其类型的默认值。 The delete operation is a high-level action recognized and optimized by the compiler, which can clear all related storage at once, whereas manually resetting might require more operations and higher gas costs.


下面的智能合约 ResetVariable定义了一个状态变量balance 和两种不同的方法来删除balance状态变量的数据。 These methods consume different amounts of gas:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

contract ResetVariable {
uint balance;

// Normal update of balance: 22238 gas
function normalUpdate() external {
balance = 1;

// Update and delete: 2316 gas
function deleteAfterUpdate() external {
balance = 1;
delete balance;

// Update and assign to default value: 2360 gas
function resetToDefault() external {
balance = 1;
balance = 0;

关于 gas 优化的建议:

🌟 Compared to directly updating a state variable to its default value, using the delete keyword to remove the variable consumes less gas.