
v2.0 版本更新

在 Hydra 硬分叉(v2.0 版本)中,Conflux 将通过 8 个 CIP(Conflux 改进提案)引入几项重大升级。

PoS 共识机制

Through CIP-43 Hydra has introduced a PoS system to improve the finality of the whole Network. CFX 持有者可以将其 CFX 质押到 PoS,以保护高价值交易,并且还可以通过参与 PoS 获得 CFX 奖励。 For detail information, check PoS Overview page.

Conflux eSpace

CIP-90 引入了一个全新的完全兼容 EVM 的空间。 这个新的空间被称为 eSpace,当前空间被称为 Core Space。 eSpace 遵循与 EVM 相同的规则,并支持 eth rpc,如 eth_getBalance,因此以太坊生态系统中的工具(web3.js, ethers.js, hardhat 等)可以直接在 Conflux 中使用。 Check eSpace documentation for more info.


Hydra hardfork has intoduced three new InternalContracts:

  • ConfluxContext (CIP-64)
  • PoSRegister (CIP-43)
  • CrossSpaceCall (CIP-90)

RPC 变更

cfx 命名空间 RPC 变更

  • New added methods: cfx_getPoSRewardByEpoch, cfx_openedMethodGroups, cfx_getPoSEconomics.
  • New added EpochNumber tag: latest_finalized indicating latest finalized (by PoS) epoch.
  • cfx_getStatus reponse have two new field: latestFinalized, ethereumSpaceChainId
  • Block header new added field: posReference which is the latest pos blockHash when the PoW block is mined.
  • Block header's custom field's type has changed from array of number array to array of hex string.
// before
custom: [[1, 2]]
// after
custom: ["0x12"]

Note: CIP-90 will break some block field's verifiability for example: hash

trace RPC breaking change


eSpace eth RPC

The eSpace has introduced the eth namespace RPC, check the RPC compatibility doc for details

Conflux-rust 配置文件

The mainnet config file has been renamed from tethys.toml to hydra.toml, the bootnodes has changed and several options are added:

  • jsonrpc_http_eth_port = 8545
  • jsonrpc_ws_eth_port = 8546
  • public_evm_rpc_apis = "evm"
  • evm_chain_id = 1030


  1. Conflux client program need to be updated before Epoch Number reaches 36935000 or Block Number reaches 92060600 (around 10:00 Feb.23th, 2022(GMT+8))
  2. The PoS registration start at Block Number 92060600 (around Feb.23th at 12:00)
  3. The PoS registration close at Block Number 92751800 (around Feb.25th at 12:00)
  4. The deadline for adding pos_config is before Epoch Number reaches 37400000 (around Feb.28th 12:00). Hardfork upgrade completed at this time.


  1. Conflux client program need to be updated before Epoch Number reaches 55095000 or Block Number reaches 68845000 (around 10:00 Dec.9th, 2021(GMT+8))
  2. The PoS registration start at Block Number 68845000 (around Dec.9th at 10:00)
  3. The PoS registration close at Block Number 69245000 (around Dec.11 at 18:00)
  4. The deadline for adding pos_config is before Epoch Number reaches 55665000 (around Dec.13th 15:00). Hardfork upgrade completed at this time.

For detail information check Conflux v2.0.0-testnet Hardfork Upgrade Announcement

升级 CIP 列表

以下是这些 CIP 的简要介绍。


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In this CIP, we propose introducing finality to the Conflux chain via voting among staked CFX holders. This will increase the confidence of high-value transactions happening on Conflux in the future and protect Conflux against potential 51% attacks from PoW.


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Currently, transactions on Conflux have no direct access to the number of the epoch they are executed in. To maintain EVM compatibility, this CIP introduces a new internal contract that makes this information available to contracts.


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Fully disable the anti-reentrancy for their contract.


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We should remove VM-related constraints in syncing blocks, like requiring the transactions to have enough gas limit.


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Fix incorrect fields in transaction receipt.


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Reduce the period of difficulty adjustment and apply the simple moving average method.


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This CIP aims to introduce a new fully EVM-compatible space. The new space is called eSpace, and the current space is called Core Space. The eSpace follows the same rule as EVM and supports eth rpc like eth_getBalance, so the tools from ethereum economics can be used on Conflux directly.


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Enable Blake2F builtin function in EIP-152.