
6 篇文档带有标签「NFT」


CRC1155 NFT 教程

This tutorial will guide you through the steps to create, write, and deploy an CRC1155 NFT smart contract on Conflux CoreSpace using Hardhat. 此外还将向您展示如何在ConfluxScan上查看您的合约。 您可以在Conflux-NFT-CRC1155 仓库中找到一个实际的例子。

CRC721 NFT 教程

本教程将指导您如何使用Hardhat在 Conflux CoreSpace 上创建、编写和部署一个 CRC721 NFT 智能合约 此外,它还将向您展示如何在ConfluxScan上查看您的合约。

使用 Pinata 上传文件到 IPFS

建立NFT智能合约的初始阶段涉及准备您的NFT文件。 在这个情况下,文件将被上传到Pinata,这是一个允许您在IPFS上轻松管理和维护媒体文件的服务。 如果您还没有创建帐户,可以在此处注册。


Using a Merkle Tree whitelist provides a cost-efficient way to distribute NFTs to a predefined list of addresses. It ensures that only whitelisted addresses can mint the NFTs, enhancing security and efficiency. Writing a whitelist of thousands of addresses directly within a smart contract would result in significant gas costs, and additionally, due to the maximum transaction gas limit restriction, it might be impractical to update such a large whitelist in a single transaction. However, since in the Merkle Tree verification process, leaf nodes and proofs can be stored off-chain while only the root value needs to be stored on-chain, this method significantly saves on gas costs and enables whitelist setup with only one transaction.