Retrieve Price
This tutorial will guide you through building a project on Conflux eSpace using Hardhat and retrieving the CFX price through the Pyth oracle.
Before starting, ensure you have the following software installed:
- Node.js and npm
- Hardhat
- Conflux wallet extension
Step 1: Create a Hardhat Project
First, create a new Hardhat project:
mkdir conflux-pyth-cfx-price
cd conflux-pyth-cfx-price
npx hardhat
Follow the prompts to create a basic JavaScript project.
Step 2: Install Necessary Dependencies
Install the Pyth SDK and other required dependencies:
npm install @pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity @pythnetwork/pyth-evm-js dotenv
Step 3: Configure Hardhat
Update hardhat.config.js
to include the Conflux eSpace Testnet:
/** @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */
module.exports = {
solidity: "0.8.24",
networks: {
confluxTestnet: {
url: "",
accounts: [process.env.PRIVATE_KEY], // Your private key here
Make sure to set your private key as an environment variable for security.
Step 4: Write the Smart Contract
Create CFXPrice.sol
in the contracts
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;
import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/IPyth.sol";
import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/PythStructs.sol";
contract CFXPrice {
IPyth pyth;
bytes32 constant CFX_USD_PRICE_ID = 0x8879170230c9603342f3837cf9a8e76c61791198fb1271bb2552c9af7b33c933;
constructor(address pythContract) {
pyth = IPyth(pythContract);
function getCFXPrice(bytes[] calldata priceUpdateData) public payable returns (int64, uint) {
uint fee = pyth.getUpdateFee(priceUpdateData);
pyth.updatePriceFeeds{value: fee}(priceUpdateData);
PythStructs.Price memory price = pyth.getPriceNoOlderThan(CFX_USD_PRICE_ID,60);
return (price.price, price.conf);
Step 5: Deploy the Smart Contract
Create deploy.js
in the scripts
const hre = require("hardhat");
async function main() {
const pythContractAddress = "0xDd24F84d36BF92C65F92307595335bdFab5Bbd21"; // Pyth contract address on Conflux eSpace Testnet
const CFXPrice = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("CFXPrice");
const cfxPrice = await CFXPrice.deploy(pythContractAddress);
await cfxPrice.waitForDeployment();
console.log("CFXPrice deployed to:", await cfxPrice.getAddress());
main().catch((error) => {
Step 6: Run the Deployment Script
Deploy the contract using:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network confluxTestnet
Step 7: Interact with the Contract
Create interact.js
in the scripts
const hre = require("hardhat");
const { EvmPriceServiceConnection } = require("@pythnetwork/pyth-evm-js");
async function main() {
const CFXPrice = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("CFXPrice");
const cfxPrice = await CFXPrice.attach("YOUR_DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS"); // Replace with your actual deployed address
const connection = new EvmPriceServiceConnection(
"" // Use Hermes price service
const priceIds = [
"0x8879170230c9603342f3837cf9a8e76c61791198fb1271bb2552c9af7b33c933", // CFX/USD price feed ID
try {
const priceUpdateData = await connection.getPriceFeedsUpdateData(priceIds);
// Estimate gas
const gasEstimate = await cfxPrice.getCFXPrice.estimateGas(priceUpdateData, {
value: hre.ethers.parseEther("0.01"), // Send some CFX to pay for the update fee, adjust as needed
console.log("Estimated gas:", gasEstimate.toString());
// Call getCFXPrice function
const tx = await cfxPrice.getCFXPrice(priceUpdateData, {
value: hre.ethers.parseEther("0.01"), // Send some CFX to pay for the update fee, adjust as needed
console.log("Transaction sent:", tx.hash);
// Wait for transaction confirmation
const receipt = await tx.wait();
console.log("Transaction confirmed in block:", receipt.blockNumber);
// Get the price directly using staticCall
const [price, confidence] = await cfxPrice.getCFXPrice.staticCall(priceUpdateData, {
value: hre.ethers.parseEther("0.01"),
console.log("CFX/USD Price:", hre.ethers.formatUnits(price, 8)); // Pyth prices are usually in 8 decimals
console.log("Confidence:", hre.ethers.formatUnits(confidence, 8));
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error occurred:", error);
main().catch((error) => {
Run the interaction script:
npx hardhat run scripts/interact.js --network confluxTestnet
This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy a smart contract on Conflux eSpace Testnet that fetches the CFX/USD price using Pyth Network. Key points:
- We use the correct CFX/USD price feed ID for Pyth.
- The contract is deployed on Conflux eSpace Testnet.
- We use the Hermes price service for fetching update data.
- The interaction script estimates gas, sends a transaction to update the price, and then retrieves the latest price.
Remember to always use testnet tokens and addresses when testing. For production use, you'd switch to mainnet addresses and endpoints.
For more information, refer to the Pyth Network documentation