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Create and Deploy CRC1155 NFT on Conflux with Hardhat

This tutorial will guide you through the steps to create, write, and deploy an CRC1155 NFT smart contract on Conflux CoreSpace using Hardhat. Additionally, it will show you how to view your contract on ConfluxScan. You can find a practical example in the Conflux-NFT-CRC1155 repository.

If you are not familiar with Hardhat, please refer to the Hardhat documentation.


Before you start, ensure you have the following:

  • Node.js installed on your computer.
  • A text editor, such as Visual Studio Code.
  • A basic understanding of smart contract development and the Solidity programming language.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Environment

Start by setting up your development environment:

mkdir conflux-nft-crc1155
cd conflux-nft-crc1155
npm init -y
npm install --save-dev hardhat

Then, create a Hardhat project:

npx hardhat

Choose the default project setup by pressing Enter for all questions. This will generate a basic Hardhat project setup with all the necessary configurations. Your project directory should now include the Hardhat configuration files. Create Project

Step 2: Installing Dependencies

Install the OpenZeppelin contracts for a secure, audited implementation of ERC1155 tokens, and the Hardhat-Conflux-Plugin, which is built on top of js-conflux-sdk, making its usage for deployment and interaction very similar to that of js-conflux-sdk:

npm install @openzeppelin/contracts hardhat-conflux js-conflux-sdk

For additional information, refer to the Hardhat Conflux Plugin Tutorials and JS-Conflux-SDK Documentation.

Step 3: Writing the Smart Contract

Create a new file named ConfluxERC1155NFT.sol in the contracts folder with the following Solidity code:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/ERC1155.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";

contract ConfluxERC1155NFT is ERC1155, Ownable {
// Token name
string public name;
// Token symbol
string public symbol;

// Replace the example tokenURI with the actual metadata URI for the NFT
string memory name_,
string memory symbol_
name = name_;
symbol = symbol_;

function mint(
address to,
uint256 id,
uint256 amount,
bytes memory data
) public onlyOwner {
_mint(to, id, amount, data);

function setURI(string memory newuri) public onlyOwner {

This contract uses OpenZeppelin's ERC1155 and Ownable contracts, allowing only the owner to mint new tokens.

Step 4: Configuring Hardhat

Modify the hardhat.config.js to include the Conflux network configuration:



module.exports = {
solidity: "0.8.24",
defaultNetwork: "cfxTestnet",
networks: {
cfx: {
url: "",
accounts: [PRIVATE_KEY],
chainId: 1029,
cfxTestnet: {
url: "",
accounts: [PRIVATE_KEY],
chainId: 1,

Replace YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_HERE with your private key.

Step 5: Deploying the Contract

Create a deployment script in the scripts folder named deploy.js:

const hre = require("hardhat");

async function main() {
const signers = await hre.conflux.getSigners();
const defaultAccount = signers[0];

const ConfluxERC1155NFT = await hre.conflux.getContractFactory(
const receipt = await ConfluxERC1155NFT.constructor("Confi", "Confi")
from: defaultAccount.address,

`Contract deployment ${
receipt.outcomeStatus === 0 ? "succeeded" : "failed"
console.log("ConfluxERC1155NFT deployed to:", receipt.contractCreated);

.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((error) => {

Deploy the contract by running:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network cfxTestnet

You will see the following message after successful deployment: Deploy Success

Step 6: Minting NFTs

Create a script in the scripts folder named mintNFT.js for minting NFTs:

const hre = require("hardhat");

async function main() {
const signers = await hre.conflux.getSigners();
const defaultAccount = signers[0];

const contractAddress = "YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS";
const recipientAddress = "RECIPIENT_WALLET_ADDRESS";
const tokenID = 1; // Example token ID
const amount = 10; // Number of tokens to mint
const data = "0x00"; // Data field for additional information (if necessary)

const ConfluxERC1155NFT = await hre.conflux.getContractAt(

const receipt = await
from: defaultAccount.address,

`Minted ${amount} of token ${tokenID} to ${recipientAddress}: Transaction Hash: ${receipt.transactionHash}`

main().catch((error) => {


Mint an NFT by running:

npx hardhat run scripts/mintNFT.js --network cfxTestnet

You will see the following message after successful mint Deploy Success

Step 7: Viewing Your Contract on ConfluxScan

Navigate to ConfluxScan, enter your contract address in the search bar, and view details about your contract, including transactions.

Details on ConfluxScan

If you wish to verify your contract using Hardhat, please refer to this article.

Step 8: Sponsoring Your Contract (Optional)

Conflux implements a sponsorship mechanism to subsidize the usage of smart contracts. If you want to get your contract sponsored, please refer to the following articles:


This guide provided a comprehensive process for creating, deploying, and managing an ERC1155 NFT on Conflux CoreSpace using Hardhat. By following these steps, you can launch your NFT project on Conflux effectively.