
Integrating WalletConnect with Next.js Project on Conflux eSpace

This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide on how to integrate WalletConnect with Web3Modal in a Next.js project, specifically targeting the Conflux eSpace network. For a hands-on example, check out the GitHub repository web3modal-conflux-nextjs.


  • Node.js installed on your system
  • Basic knowledge of React and Next.js
  • An account on the Conflux eSpace network

Step 1: Set Up Your Next.js Project

First, create a new Next.js application if you haven't already:

npx create-next-app web3modal-conflux-nextjs
cd web3modal-conflux-nextjs

When setting up your Next.js project using create-next-app, you'll be prompted with a few configuration options. For the purposes of this tutorial, you can proceed with all the default settings provided by the setup. This will configure your project with optimal defaults for most applications, including a basic file structure and configuration settings.

Step 2: Install Necessary Packages

Web3Modal SDK has support for Wagmi, which will help you interact with wallets and smart contracts.

npm install @web3modal/wagmi wagmi viem @tanstack/react-query

Step 3: Configure Wagmi

Let's set up a separate file for your Wagmi configuration. Because this function needs to run on both the client and the server, it shouldn't be placed in a file that contains the 'use client' directive.

In this example, we'll create a file named config/index.tsx outside of our app directory and configure it as follows:

import { cookieStorage, createStorage } from "wagmi";
import { confluxESpace } from "wagmi/chains";

import { http, createConfig, WagmiProvider } from "wagmi";
import { walletConnect, injected, coinbaseWallet } from "wagmi/connectors";

// Get projectId at https://cloud.walletconnect.com
export const projectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID;

if (!projectId) throw new Error("Project ID is not defined");

const metadata = {
name: "Web3Modal",
description: "Web3Modal Example",
url: "https://web3modal.com", // origin must match your domain & subdomain
icons: ["https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/37784886"],

// Create wagmiConfig
export const config = createConfig({
chains: [confluxESpace],
transports: {
[confluxESpace.id]: http(),
connectors: [
walletConnect({ projectId, metadata, showQrModal: false }),
injected({ shimDisconnect: true }),
appName: metadata.name,
appLogoUrl: metadata.icons[0],
ssr: true,
storage: createStorage({
storage: cookieStorage,

For the project to access environment variables such as projectId, you need to set them up in a .env.local file in the root of your project. Here's how you can do it:

Create a file named .env.local and add the following line:

NEXT_PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID = your_project_id_here;

Replace your_project_id_here with the actual project ID you get from https://cloud.walletconnect.com.

For details on how to obtain ProjectId, please refer to this article.

Step 4: Context Provider

We'll now set up a context provider to encapsulate our application and handle the initialization of Web3Modal. It’s important to remember that createWeb3Modal should be called from within a React Client Component file.

For this tutorial, let's create a file named context/index.tsx outside our main app directory and implement the configuration as outlined.

"use client";

import React, { ReactNode } from "react";
import { config, projectId } from "@/config";

import { createWeb3Modal } from "@web3modal/wagmi/react";

import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query";

import { State, WagmiProvider } from "wagmi";

// Setup queryClient
const queryClient = new QueryClient();

if (!projectId) throw new Error("Project ID is not defined");

// Create modal
wagmiConfig: config,
enableAnalytics: true, // Optional - defaults to your Cloud configuration
enableOnramp: true, // Optional - false as default

export default function Web3ModalProvider({
}: {
children: ReactNode;
initialState?: State;
}) {
return (
<WagmiProvider config={config} initialState={initialState}>
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>{children}</QueryClientProvider>

Step 4: Use Web3ModalProvider

In the app/layout.tsx file, we will incorporate the Web3ModalProvider component and invoke Wagmi's cookieToInitialState function.

The initialState obtained from cookieToInitialState provides the preliminary values that will populate Wagmi's store across both server and client environments.

import "./globals.css";
import type { Metadata } from "next";
import { headers } from "next/headers";

import { cookieToInitialState } from "wagmi";

import { config } from "@/config";
import Web3ModalProvider from "@/context";

export const metadata: Metadata = {
title: "Create Next App",
description: "Generated by create next app",

export default function RootLayout({
}: Readonly<{
children: React.ReactNode;
}>) {
const initialState = cookieToInitialState(config, headers().get("cookie"));
return (
<html lang="en">
<Web3ModalProvider initialState={initialState}>

Step 5: Connect Conflux eSpace Network

Create a new component, ConnectButton.tsx, in your project, to open ConnectWallet Modal

"use client";

import { useWeb3Modal } from "@web3modal/wagmi/react";

export default function ConnectButton() {
// 4. Use modal hook

const { open } = useWeb3Modal();

return (
onClick={() => open()}
className="rounded-md border-black border-solid border-2 px-1"
Open Connect Modal

In app/page.tsx or any other component, use the ConnectButton component to connect to wallets on the Conflux eSpace

import Image from "next/image";
import ConnectButton from "@/component/ConnectButton";

export default function Home() {
return (
<main className="flex min-h-screen flex-col items-center justify-center p-24">
<div className="flex flex-col items-center ">
<div className="text-black font-bold text-xl dark:text-white py-20">
Next.js Demo
<p className="pb-2 font-semibold">
Using WalletConnect on Conflux eSpace
<ConnectButton />

By following the steps above, you now have a Next.js application setup that can connect to the Conflux eSpace network using WalletConnect and Web3Modal. This setup allows users to securely interact with the blockchain directly from their web browsers.